The Be-Ge Group - with a broad business in six European countries

The Be-Ge Group is a family-owned group of companies with operations in Sweden, Denmark, United Kingdom, Lithuania, The Netherlands and Germany. The Group comprises of several business areas such as Be-Ge Seating division, Be-Ge Component Division and Be-Ge Vehicle Division. Be-Ge Seating division,
Be-Ge Component
 division and Be-Ge Vehicle division. fkk6511

Be-Ge Seating Division

The Be-Ge Seating Division develops, manufactures and markets resilient and fixed driver's seats, passenger seats, guard and office chairs, support and saddle chairs, as well as sound absorbers and accessories for the seat products.

The division will through joined forces act as a partner to customers who value and appreciate the difference with Be-Ge Seating Division and its products.

Business concept
Provide seating solutions beyond standard to those who sit at their workplaces. Be-Ge Seating Divisions core values are reliable professionalism, creative and flexible solutions, rigid and safe products, ergonomic, comfort and quality as well as attracitve design.

Be-Ge Component Division

Be-Ge Component Division are the Group's contract manufacturing units with production of sheet metal components, press details and tools. In addition, sewing and assembly work is performed as well as painting services.

The vision for the Component Division is to be profitable, growing and developing to get satisfied customers, employees and owners. The division is characterised by respect for the individual and pursue the business in a safe and sustainable way. The aim is to constantly improve, learn new things and also take lessons from mistakes. By using the best technology and working as a team, being competitive in the global market in the long term.

Business concept
With good quality and service and innovative and cost-effective solutions, the division aims to be a natural partner and supplier in tool development and manufacturing, sheet metalworking, welding, surface treatment, painting, upholstery and assembly

Be-Ge Vehicle Division

Be-Ge Vehicle Division markets and sells trucks and cars. The division represents Scania trucks and buses, Volkswagen cars, Volkswagen light trucks and Skoda and provides service,
repair and services in each segment.

As distributor of the brands Scania, Volkswagen and Skoda, the Vehicle Division aims to be the market leader in the truck and passenger car segment and to be perceived as the most attractive employer in the branch.

Business concept
The companies within the division shall market and sell attractive transport solutions, accessories and spare parts for their respective brands. In addition, a well-functioning repair and service organisation shall be provided.


Founded in 1934 by Bror Göthe Persson

Bror Göthe Persson started his business in 1934. The principles that Bror Göthe so successfully worked for when the business was built up under his leadership are the foundation of the corporate culture and the ”Be-Ge spirit” that still characterises the Group. Under third-generation management, the Group currently has operations in Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Germany. The group's total turnover during the financial year amounted to 1.504 MSEK with 560 employees.


Be-Ge företagen AB, moderbolag
Exteriör, Oskarshamn centrum

Customer value

By means of professional contact characterised by engagement, knowledge and a high level of availability, solutions are offered that are adapted for each customer’s needs. Deliveries are of high quality, with each employee assuming responsibility for his or her part of the delivery.
Be-Ge’s business relationships are characterised by simplicity, honesty and close collaboration with the customer.

Long-term view

With its long history and stable ownership structure, Be-Ge
stands for reassurance, tradition and reliability. The long-term view means that our employees feel a sense of pride in being part of the Be-Ge family. Be-Ge is characterised by a strong entrepreneurial approach that results in growth within existing businesses, curiosity about innovations and in interest in developing new business areas.
business areas.


Through openness and with consideration and respect for the individual, we develop both our employees and our customer relationships. We always see the big picture, and our guiding principle is to always resolve any loose ends that arise, both internally within the Group and externally with other stakeholders. “Collaboration brings success” is a motto that pervades the whole business.

Assuming responsibility

We make sure we assume responsibility for the sustainable development of the environment, society and our employees. Be-Ge stands for quality at all levels, with every single employee feeling responsible for doing the right thing. The business is characterised by an awareness of risk and cost, which creates conditions for the continued development of the Group

Parent Company

Be-Ge Företagen AB functions as a holding company and also as a finance and coordination company in the Group. The company is headquartered in Oskarshamn, Sweden.

Real estate company

Be-Ge Fastigheter AB manages a number of residential and commercial properties in central Oskarshamn.

Group structure

Click to see a larger picture of the group's structure.

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