Code of Conduct
The Be-Ge Group’s history spans more than 85 years. Since the beginning in Sweden, the company’s reputation has been built up on specific qualities and core values, one of the most important of which is integrity.
Cultural and mutual respect
The Code of Conduct defines how we within the Be-Ge Group interact with the world at large, and it has played a decisive role in the way we have acquired our reputation. Every Be-Ge employee, at every location and at all levels, including Board members, is equally bound to comply with the content and the basic tone of the code.
The Code of Conduct is more than a confirmation of the Group’s rules. It reflects a personal commitment to assume responsibility for our actions and to behave with integrity at all times. We are striving to achieve a culture of mutual respect that encourages the sharing of opinions on all levels in the organisation. By promoting an open dialogue and playing an active role in our society, every Be-Ge employee can make a difference.
Responsible ethical issue
A corporate culture with integrity is a precondition for a world-class business. Many business partners choose to do business with us partly because they know that we act in a responsible, ethical manner and that we respect the needs of individuals, society and the environment. The Group’s business has also expanded abroad in recent years. Different countries have different corporate cultures and values. In order to incorporate the foreign acquisitions into the corporate culture that is already established as part of the Group’s heritage, there is a need to clarify which values Be-Ge’s logo and name represent.

Strength and success
Our strength and future success are dependent on a good reputation as an honest, reliable business partner. We are all responsible for protecting this reputation. If you are ever unsure about how to behave in a given situation, ask your manager. You are guaranteed confidentiality and no reprisals. It is expected that you will take the time to read through the Code of Conduct and to play your part in complying with it and setting a good example for the high standard we strive to maintain within the Be-Ge Group.
/Be-Ge Företagen AB’s Board of Directors