Be-Ge Företagen AB has received the award Sweden's Best Managed Companies recognition, sponsored by Deloitte.
Best Managed Companies is a quality award given to private Swedish companies based on criteria that assess strategic direction, operational capacity, corporate culture, and financial development. The program was founded by Deloitte in Canada in 1993 and has since been established in over 20 countries worldwide. Sweden's Best Managed Companies was launched in 2018 by Deloitte, and this year marks the sixth time the award is being presented. An independent jury has selected the 21 companies receiving the award this year.
"We are proud to present the award to these 21 companies and celebrate their success. All companies on this year's list show exceptional leadership and a strong commitment to creating well-functioning processes and a positive culture", says Therese Kjellberg, partner at Deloitte and responsible for Best Managed Companies in Sweden.
The CEO of Be-Ge Företagen AB Håkan Hjalmarsson comments:
”Vi är stolta och glada för utmärkelsen som ett av Sveriges Best Managed Companies. Det är ett kvitto på koncernens och dess medarbetares framgångsrika sätt att driva verksamheten och strävan att ständigt arbeta med utveckling och förbättring.
That the award from Deloitte is received in the year the Be-Ge Group turns 90 means that there is extra reason to celebrate the success!"