Be-Ge Baltic UAB, The importance of long-term partnerships in educating future sewing professionals

Varje år i maj får företaget ”Be-Ge Baltic”, som en social partner till Klaipėda Technology Training Center (KTMC), en inbjudan att tillsammans fira den professionella kompetenstävlingen ”My Waving Sea”.

This year, the 11th competition took place, where not only the students who chose the seamstress profession, but also the future cutter-constructors demonstrated their skills in their chosen profession.

We are glad being involved in the organization of the competition. As before, our production coordinator shared her competences in the competition committee, providing her insights and evaluating the students' competitive works. This year, we established gifts not only to the 1st place winners, but also awarded the 2nd and 3rd place winners.

”Be-Ge Baltic” fortsätter sitt långvariga samarbete med denna utbildningsinstitution för att popularisera sömmerskans yrke: företaget anordnar regelbundet studiebesök för KTMC-studenter som har valt detta yrke. Under turerna har eleverna möjlighet att lära känna och se de verkliga processerna som äger rum på företaget ”Be-Ge Baltic”: mönstertillverkning, konstruktion, tillskärning, industriell sömnad, tapetsering av säten och legomontering.

Long-term partnership is one of the values of the Be-Ge Group, which is reflected in the contribution to the education of future seamtresses and cutter-constructors.

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