the Be-Ge Group
of Office and Surveillance chairs
The Be-Ge Group - with a broad
business in six European countries
Be-Ge Företagen AB functions as a holding company and also as a finance and coordination company in the Group. The company is headquartered in Oskarshamn, Sweden.
Be-Ge Seating Division
The Be-Ge Seating Division contains companies that manufacture driver and passenger seats, office and security seats.
Be-Ge Component Division
The companies in this group manufacture, among other things, sheet metal components, press parts and tools, and perform sewing.
Be-Ge Vehicle Division
The Be-Ge Vehicle Division contains companies that sell cars and trucks and which also carry out car painting.
Be-Ge Spirit
for when the business was built up under his leadership are the foundation of the corporate culture and the ”Be-Ge spirit” that still characterises the Group.
Sweden’s Best Managed Companies 2024
Best Managed Companies (BMC) is a part of a global initiative to recognise companies with advanced management ideas with a quality award, and in Sweden is awarded to Swedish companies based on criteria that assesses strategic direction, ability to execute corporate culture and business performance. The award was originally established by Deloitte in Canada in 1993 and has since been established globally in over 20 countries. In Sweden, the BMC has been awarded by Deloitte in cooperation with NASDAQ since 2018.
Anniversary Magazine
This year Be-Ge celebrates 90 years and therefore we have produced an Anniversary Magazine which can be read here
Be-Ge Företagen AB has received the award Sweden's Best Managed Companies
Be-Ge Företagen AB has received the award Sweden's Best Managed Companies recognition, sponsored by Deloitte
High delivery levels and a solid result for 2023
Bokslutskommuniké 1 januari 2023 – 31 december 2023 för Be-Ge koncernen. Höga utleveransnivåer och ett starkt resultat för 2023 Be-Ge
Challenging times, but the Be-Ge Group is standing strong
Year-end report May 1 2022- December 31 2022 for the Be-Ge Group. Challenging times, but the Be-Ge Group is standing strong
Be-Ge Personbilar AB, Sverigefinalen i VW-Masters 2024
I fredags gick Sverigefinalen av Volkswagen Masters av stapeln på Ekerum Resort på Öland! Vi fanns på plats och hejade
Be-Ge Baltic UAB, Be-Ge Baltic celebrated 10th anniversary of maintaining LEAN methods
This summer Be-Ge Baltic celebrated 10th anniversary of maintaining LEAN methods. During these 10 years, applying LEAN principles, we successfully
Be-Ge Plåtindustri AB, Tack för visat intresse vid vårt öppet hus!
Vi hade många besökare och fullt upp med aktiviteter som guidningar i produktionen, korvbjudning, hoppborg och elbilar för barnen.
SE, Be-Ge Frapett AB, Be-Ge Frapett söker Account Manager
Be-Ge Frapett AB är en av de ledande aktörerna på den skandinaviska marknaden gällande ergonomiska kvalitéts arbetsstolar. Företaget utvecklar och
SE, Be-Ge Lastbilar AB, Verkstadschef i Oskarshamn
Som Verkstadschef på vår bussverkstad i Oskarshamn får du breda arbetsuppgifter inom tunga fordon med bland annat världsledande teknik, möjlighet
LT, Be-Ge Baltic UAB, SIUVĖJAS (-A)
Darbo pobūdis: Transporto priemonių sėdynių, baldų, neįgaliųjų vežimėlių sėdynių užvalkalų siuvimas. Turinčius siuvėjo profesinę kvalifikaciją, bet neturinčius patirties – apmokome.